Why sign up?

The Scottish Government uses the ScotStat mailing system to keep users up to date with the latest news about statistics produced by the Scottish Government and other public bodies. This includes new publications, consultations or events.

You can select the topics you want to receive updates for from the list below.

How we use your data

The Scottish Government will use the data collected in this form to share digital newsletters. The Scottish Government will store the data in our account within Mailchimp.

For every newsletter we issue, we will use audience engagement tracking (web beacons) built into Mailchimp to help us improve the content of future newsletters. This tracking will provide information such as who received a newsletter, when it was opened and what links were clicked on.

This registration form allows you to register your personal details so they can be used by the Scottish Government for the purposes stated.  By ticking the ‘I consent to my data being used in this way’ box, you agree to the stated conditions of use.

You can find more information about how we use your data in our privacy notice.
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